Arabic Dialects Translation: What Arabic to Translate to?

Different Arabic Dialects Translation

As global businesses seek to forge connections across the Middle East and North Africa, the need for effective Arabic translation has become increasingly vital.

Yet, translating into Arabic is not as straightforward as it may seem. For beneath a shared modern standard Arabic lies a diversity of regional dialects.

If you want to ensure genuine cross-cultural communication with your Arabic-speaking audience, you will need to properly navigate these Arabic variations.

But still, determining the appropriate dialects to translate into and understanding their nuances can seem daunting without insider knowledge. 

That is why, from the vibrant heart of the Arab world, we extend our words to guide and orient your business journey into this culturally diverse region.

In this blog, we will explore together everything you might need to know about different Arabic dialects translation, from the dialects that may be appropriate for your project to how to find your ideal Arabic translation partner.

And now, without further ado, let us get started.

Modern Standard & Classical Arabic vs. Different Arabic Dialects Translation

Being the official language of 22 different countries and spoken by over 400 million people, Arabic is the language for global businesses aspiring to establish themselves in the MENA region.

However, unlike many other major languages, Arabic poses unique challenges for translation. This is because of the significant differences between classical Arabic and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) as well as the many regional dialects spoken all over the Arab world

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You may be curious about the extent to which variations within the Arabic language could impact and pose a challenge to translations intended for different Arabic regions. 

And because we know gaining a proper understanding opens rich opportunities, let us unravel the intricacies of Modern Standard Arabic and different Arabic dialects translation.

Classical Arabic is the standardized Arabic language that emerged in the 8th century BCE alongside the rise and spread of Islam.

It serves as the common literary language throughout most of the Arabic-speaking world to this day and maintains a more complex morphological system compared to later variants such as Modern StanAdard Arabic. 

You can find Classical Arabic typically in

Arabic Dialects Translation

Have a look at this verse from a classical poem written by Al-Mutanabbi. Although some of the words used below are still in use in Modern Standard Arabic like “خيل” “Horse,” words like “البيداء” “The Dessert” and “القرطاس” “The Paper”  seized to be part of this modernized variant of the language.

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So while influential, classical Arabic no longer directly reflects everyday conversational patterns across the region. And that is why most Arabic translation needs are primarily focused on bridging the divide between Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and the diverse dialects used in daily exchanges.

As its name suggests, Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the modernized version of Classical Arabic that is used in writing and formal speeches across the Arab world today. 

It actually builds upon Classical Arabic but has incorporated elements from colloquial Arabic varieties spoken across the region. However,  they still, differ in certain aspects, most notably, vocabulary and writing style. 

What is interesting about MSA is that provides a common lingua franca that can be understood by all Arabic speakers, regardless of their country of origin or local dialect.

Key Facts About Modern Standard Arabic

Due to its modernized and simplified form, MSA makes learning Arabic simpler. It is commonly studied in schools since it serves as an official language, facilitating access to content, resources, and opportunities for millions of people who share Arabic as either a first or additional language.

So, when it comes to translating into Arabic, you will most probably need Standard Modern Arabic translation when translating formal documents or maybe when translating your website for a wide variety of Arabic-speaking audiences. 

Here are some examples of content types that are usually written in MSA

Different Examples of Content Types Usually Written In Modern Standard Arabic (MSA)

Arabic dialects are regional spoken forms of Arabic that have varied and evolved under the influence of local environments and cultures over the centuries. 

While Modern Standard Arabic remains the written standard shared across Arabic-speaking regions, colloquial Arabic dialects differ significantly from one area to another.  

Variations between these different dialects exist on the phonological, grammatical, and lexical levels, as well as in terms of accent and speed of speech. For instance, when it comes to a word like “جميل”  “Beautiful,”  certain dialects employ the ‘j’ sound as in (Jameel), while others employ the ‘g’ sound, as in “Gameel.”

And now, within the vast expanse of the Arab world, where over 25 dialects flourish, let us have a closer look at the most prominent dialects of the Arabic language.

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  • Egyptian Arabic: As Egypt has a strong presence in the media, other Arabic speakers are familiar with the Egyptian dialect.
  • Moroccan Arabic and Maghrebi Arabic: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Mauritania, and Western Sahara. Due to its mixing of languages and unique sound units, this group of Arabic dialects is hard for non-native Arabic speakers.
  • Levantine Arabic: Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine. Generally, this variant of Arabic dialects can be understood by other Arabic dialect speakers as a more gently spoken version of Arabic.
  • Gulf Arabic: Gulf Countries such as Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, east of Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.  This region is where Arabic originated, and these dialects of Arabic are very closely related to classic Arabic.
  • Iraqi Arabic: Iraqi Arabic is one of the most unique dialects in the Middle East in terms of pronunciation.
  • Saudi Arabic. Saudi Arabia. Saudi nationals speak this language primarily in Mecca and Jeddah. Saudis speak their local dialect as a first language, MSA as a second language, and English as a third language, so you will hear influences from all of these languages in Saudi Arabia.

At this point, you might be wondering how a single word can take on totally distinct forms in each of these dialects. Well, we won’t keep you in suspense. What about the word “Cat”?

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Arabic Dialects Translation: Which Arabic Should I Translate?

Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and regional dialects can seem like two completely separate languages. So how do you know which variation is the most appropriate for your content and audience? 

Choosing between the two options depends on many factors including your target audience, content type, level of formality, and also on the channels where your content will be used.

Key Factors For Determining Which Variation of Arabic Your Content Needs

Got overwhelmed? Let us break it down simply and begin with situations where using Modern Standard Arabic would be an ideal choice.

When to Translate to Modern Standard Arabic?

If You Need Translation For Complex, Technical Content

MSA is suitable for conveying complex information as it ensures a high level of clarity and consistency.

So, if you have documents that require a formal tone, precision, and adherence to standard language norms, such as official company policies, legal contracts, technical manuals, or scientific reports, you will need to translate them into Modern Standard Arabic. 

If You Need Translation For Official Documents

When translating documents for government institutions, international organizations, or even private sector operations, using MSA ensures that your content aligns with the established linguistic standards and is widely understood.

If You Want To Target A Broad Arab Audience

In case your content aims to reach a wide Arab audience across different countries and dialects, opting for Modern Standard Arabic is advisable. This is because, as we said before, MSA serves as a shared linguistic framework that is comprehensible to Arabic speakers with diverse dialectal backgrounds.

Scenarios Where You Need Modern Standard Arabic Translation (MSA)

Now, when should you go for different Arabic dialects translation? 

When to Translate to A Specific Arabic Dialect?

When You Need To Localize Your Content For A Specific Arab Community

If your content is specifically tailored to a particular Arab community, using the local spoken dialect of your target audience can be an asset to boost your brand’s impact.

For example, if you are targeting the Egyptian market, translating your content into Egyptian Arabic will not only ensure linguistic accuracy but will also strengthen your brand’s cultural resonance.

It will foster a deeper connection, demonstrating how your brand truly understands and appreciates the  local nuances of your audiences – an incredibly valuable competitive advantage.

When Translating Social Media Content

Social Media content is meant for casual, delightful, and informal communication. People use these channels to interact with friends and locals in their everyday speaking language.

If you are posting to a specific Arab community on Facebook, you will want your content to feel natural and familiar. Writing in Modern Standard Arabic may sound stiff, but harnessing the authentic power of your target audience’s local dialect can help you to effectively engage them on a local level. 

When Localizing Marketing Campaigns

Launching a marketing or advertising campaign targeting a specific region or country means touching deep into their hearts. Speaking to your audience in the dialect they are most familiar with demonstrates a deeper understanding of their culture and establishes a connection that can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

Scenarios Where You Need Different Arabic Dialects Translation

If you are still not sure which form of Arabic is most suitable for you for translation projects, connecting with a specialized Arabic translation agency is always a great way to get all your questions answered. But how can you really find your ideal Arabic translation partner?

How to Find The Best Arabic Translation Agency

One undeniable fact about Arabic is that it is a complex language, encompassing a level of richness that demands deft handling to avoid any form of miscommunication across regions. 

In Arabic, for example:

Who do you think can be more poised to handle all of this than an agency based at the heart of the Middle East? 

A Middle Eastern presence connects agencies to a wide network of regional translation and culture experts who possess deep insight into the language. They understand subtle cultural differences and how context impacts style. Years of immersion provide a nuanced grasp of Arabic rarely found elsewhere.

And this level of linguistic expertise and cultural awareness is key to the success of your Arabic translation project

However, while narrowing your search to a Middle Eastern agency is an important first step, you still need to take time to examine various other strengths that make for a top-notch translation partner. Let us draw your attention to some of them.

Key Considerations For Choosing Your Ideal Arabic Translation Partner

Subject-matter Expertise 

For any translation project, subject-matter expertise is just as important as fluency in the target language. 

A native Arabic speaker alone cannot guarantee accurate translation of specialized content. Can a native yet non-medical expert translator provide a technically accurate translation of a consent form?—Definitely not. 

Whether you need Arabic translation for legal contracts, technical manuals, or academic papers – getting your content translated by industry-expert translators is vital. 

Without this level of expertise in the relevant field, there is a risk that key terminology, industry jargon, or contextual details could be inaccurately conveyed in the target language.

That is why the best Arabic translation providers specialize across domains. Their teams include native speakers with niche experience in medicine, law, engineering, marketing, and more.

For smooth collaboration and high-quality results, always make sure the agency you partner with matches the translator’s subject matter expertise with your specific project.

Solid Quality Assurance Processes

Similar to industry expertise, evaluating a potential agency’s quality assurance processes is really important when selecting an Arabic translation partner. For while comprehensive quality control is understandably essential for any translation project, it is especially crucial for translating into a complex language like Arabic.

With 22+ dialects and distinct variations in written forms, Arabic creates ample opportunities for errors if the translation process lacks sufficient quality control.

Therefore, the best Arabic translation providers have robust multi-step QA protocols. These include:

3-Step Review Processes (Translation – Editing – Proofreading)

Back Translation (For Scientific and highly technical content)

Automated Quality Checks

Localization Testing (For Localized Arabic Content)

So, always verify your partner’s quality assurance practices. Review feedback loops and look for tools for terminology consistency and automatic quality-checking.

Advanced Translation Tools

The diverse dialects and unique linguistic characteristics of the Arabic language require the assistance of advanced translation tools and technologies to maximize quality and ensure accurate and efficient Arabic translations.

That is why it is crucial to find an Arabic translation company that relies on top-notch translation tools like:

Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) Tools

Translation Memories 

Terminology Management Systems (TMS) 

These tools not only accelerate the translation process but also maintain consistency in terminology and style and enable reusing repetitive translations, resulting in high-quality translations while saving time and cost. Is there a more ideal combination than achieving this perfect balance between time, quality, and cost?

Commonly Used Translation Tools

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bayantech: A Leading Translation & Localization Agency In The Middle East

Looking for a translation agency capable of dealing with different Arabic dialects translation? Based in the United Arab Emirates and well-established as one of the leading Arabic translation agencies in the Middle East, bayantech is all ready to meet your Arabic translation needs. 

We are equipped with human experts and the latest translation tools to deliver native modern standard Arabic and different Arabic dialect translations across all industries and with extensive language pair coverage.

Our agency has been in the language services market and has been working for the best companies in MENA for almost twenty years.  Being ISO 17001 and 9001 certified and working with a team of native Arabic translators for every dialect, bayantech makes the ideal partner for your business. 

Contact us, and let us discuss your upcoming Arabic translation project. And you can also request a free translation service quote today!

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