5 Quality Pillars of Life Sciences Translation

5 Quality Pillars Of Life Sciences Translation

Life sciences sector is shaping our future through the constant efforts of people like you to improve the quality of people’s lives. Technically, you are the ultimate heroes in capes who save lives. However, without life sciences translation, your contributions will face limitations that will tie them down.

Today, life sciences companies and organizations spend extraordinary amounts of money to bring their life sciences achievements to life. Investing in translation and localization, they aspire to grow, reach new markets, and achieve effective global communication all over the world.

However, in a marketplace of ever-growing trends, only quality can stand the test of competition.

Whether you started your life sciences translation project already or you haven’t yet, there are a few things you should know. This post will tell you about the 5 pillars of quality that you need for your life sciences content. We are also providing 5 pro tips on how to successfully achieve them to set yourself apart from your competitors.

The 5 Pillars of Quality in Life Sciences Translation

  1. 100% Error Free

From clinical trials and user manuals to regulatory submissions and marketing materials, the content of this highly specialized industry is sensitive, data-saturated, and extremely complex.

Perfection might be an illusion, but not when it comes to life sciences translation. It’s paramount that your life sciences translations score an amazing amount of ZERO ERRORS. Poor/ incorrect translation, inaccuracies, omissions, and others are unforgivable here.

For your life sciences translations, quality literally translates into a matter of life and death. The worst case scenarios are either putting human lives on the line or running the risk of disputes and lawsuits. In other words, quality isn’t a luxury here. As an industry built on details and value, one mistake can be life-threatening or jeopardize your global success, putting years of research and tremendous efforts at stake.

Pro Tip: Deal with experts. Collaborate with a professional language service provider; a one that conforms to the ISO certification standards as well as quality control requirements enforced by regulatory bodies, such as FDA, EDQM, and EMA. A readability test is an absolute recommendation here as well. This should guarantee that your translation is immune to the tiniest mistakes.

  1. Clear, Precise, and Consistent

Coherency of your life sciences translation relies heavily on these three characteristics. In fact, they make the difference between a good translation and a smart translation.

Life sciences is an extremely wide specialization with a range of areas. With such depth and diversity, the field is abundant with terminology, theories, and processes that need to be communicated accurately, consistently, and in the same sophisticated manner of the source text.

Ambiguity, confusion, and misinterpretation are the other side of the coin.  Any inconsistencies with the terminology, misuse of terms, or ambiguities in the text are the downfall of the translation/localization.

In that case, linguistic competency isn’t enough to achieve a smart translation. This is where medical competency comes in. It adds precision and authenticity to your life sciences content.

Pro Tip: Enters extensive subject matter experts. Besides their relevant expertise, SMEs should leverage translation memories, terminology management software, medical dictionaries, and relevant reference materials to ensure terminology accurateness and consistency as well as terminology compliance with industry standards, especially with labeling and instructions.

3. Complying with Regulatory Requirements

As a heavily regulated industry, it’s a necessity that your life sciences translation complies with the requirements enforced by the regulatory bodies in the field. These requirements include linguistic validation, terminology accuracy, safety, and overall quality of the translations.

If the translation can’t comply with these rigorous standards that govern the life sciences industry, then let us break the bad news! The translation is not eligible; quality is compromised, and so is the entire project.

Pro Tip: Partner up with a well-equipped language service provider with experience in adhering to all regulatory requirements and the entire legal framework by renowned regulatory agencies, such as FDA, EDQM, and EMA. Doing that, you aren’t just ensuring quality and efficiency but you are also establishing safety standards for your project.

  1. Culturally Adapted

Where we mention culture, marketing springs to our minds. It’s because culture is one of the most important ingredients of successful marketing, and life sciences marketing is definitely no exception.

In case you are translating and localizing your life sciences marketing material, you need to make sure that the content isn’t just linguistically accurate. It should also be culturally appropriate and relevant so that it resonates with the audiences of your target market.

The marketplace is competitive and customers and prospects are smart; this is specifically relevant to life sciences. You are then entitled to produce a user-friendly content that respects their minds and speaks to their preferences. You don’t want to offend them or repel them by irrelevant content. Only then, your marketing efforts pay off.

Pro Tip: The locals have the most insightful contributions to their market and are the best fit to execute your marketing plans rather than your international team, no matter how experienced the latter is. Transcreation as a part of your marketing localization plans can also come in handy as well.

  1. Effective, Providing Value

Whether you are introducing new medical equipment or a new clinical breakthrough, you’ve invested a lot into it. You’ve put your heart in it as well as a tremendous amount of effort, study, research, and money to provide value and evoke a response.

It would be so unfair that instead of promoting such value, translation gets in the way. That being so, the whole purpose of translation and localization becomes meaningless.

Here’s the good news, though: you can rest assured that there are ways to avoid experiencing this other end of the spectrum, more so, that your life sciences translation can maximize the value of your input.

Pro Tip: Experience and passion. Yes, this is ‘the’ tip.  Hand over your translation and localization projects to people who have been working long enough in the field to grasp the big picture. Moreover, working with people who realize and believe in the significant impact of your achievements on the world is an invaluable asset. After all, with experience and passion comes a great sense of responsibility.


Now that you know how critical quality is to life sciences translation, with those five quality pillars, you’re ready to start your translation project. It makes all the difference that you know; you can now easily track the achievement of these pillars throughout the translation and localization process.

If you are looking for a partner that is well equipped to handle your life sciences translation and follows the abovementioned Pro Tips, bayanTech is widely recognized as the translation and localization service provider of choice. Being a name to be reckoned with in the life sciences localization and certified language translations arena, bayanTech brings together more than 15 years of experience and pursues industry best practice in the field in order to deliver nothing short of a perfect quality that only fits the nature of life sciences.

Let’s discuss your project, contact us now!

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