Professional Machine Translation Services

Deliver multilingual content more easily with our fast, scalable, low-cost machine translation services.

Scale Your Global Content Effortlessly with Powerful Machine Translation

Need help translating your content for global audiences? bayantech’s convenient machine translation services can support you in +120 languages. With two decades of experience serving clients across industries and continents, we have the expertise and machine translation (MT) tools you’re looking for.

Our machine translation services are designed to help growing businesses confidently extend their global reach while saving time and money. Whether you need to translate product descriptions, user guides, business documents, or customer support content, our advanced MT technology delivers fast, accurate, and cost-effective translations.

Machine Translation Services
Machine Translation Services

Human-Powered Solutions for Quality-Cost Balance

At bayantech, we firmly believe that the human touch makes a significant difference. That’s why we also provide machine translation post-editing (MTPE) services powered by our language professionals.

By combining the speed and intelligence of machines with the deep subject matter knowledge of our human translators, we make everything possible.

This human-machine approach helps businesses like yours achieve the perfect balance between quality and cost. Our MTPE solutions have enabled many clients to receive accurate, culturally sensitive multilingual content with fast turnarounds and without breaking the bank.

Why opt for MT post-editing? By having professional translators and proofreaders review machine-translated text, you ensure it’s free of any errors or cultural insensitivity.  Plus, you guarantee that the final product meets the particular expectations of your local customers.

Why Choose bayantech?

  • Comprehensive Language Support

We use machine translation engines that support hundreds of language pairs. Also, our widespread network of native-speaking professionals is equipped to enhance your MT output in more than 120 languages. So, whether you need translations in European, Middle Eastern, African, or Asian languages, we have you covered.

  • Client-Centric Approach

At bayantech, we don’t believe in one-size-fits-all approaches when it comes to language services. That’s why we listen to your needs and tailor our solutions to fit your deadlines, budget, and any requirements you may have.

Machine Translation Services
  • Data Security & Confidentiality 

With bayantech, your data is safe. We sign non-disclosure agreements (NDA) to ensure the confidentiality of your content. Additionally, we take strict data protection measures and only use secure communication channels for data handling and transfer.

  • 24/7 Support

We’re available around the clock and ready to answer your questions and provide support 24/7. With ongoing support and flexible turnarounds, our team ensures you can achieve a faster time-to-market.

  • High-Quality Translations

We offer post-editing services and QA (quality assurance) checks powered by our subject matter experts to maximize the quality of your translations. Our team also constantly analyzes and evaluates translation results to identify areas for improvement and refine our translation quality accordingly.

Got a Large Project Waiting?

What Makes Machine Translation Services A Smart Option

  • Speed & Efficiency

Speed is the number one reason why most businesses today choose machine translation services. With MT, there are simply no back-and-forth, manual processes, which is perfect if you need to translate urgent and time-sensitive materials or launch your product quickly.

  • Scalability

Machine translation has the capability to render large amounts of content effortlessly and rapidly. This is why MT services are ideal for handling large scale translation projects across different languages with limited resources.

Machine Translation Services
  • Cost-Saving

Machine translation services have much more affordable rates, compared to traditional, fully human translations. MT allows you to translate more content for less, making it a budget-friendly solution for businesses of all sizes.

What Makes bayantech Different?

Group 2949 1

Professional Services

Group 2073

+15 Years of Experience

Group 2068

Flexible Turnarounds Timely Delivery

certified quality assurance

Certified Quality Assurance

Group 2076


Group 2069

100% Quality Guarantee

Group 2070


Group 2071


Group 2074

Customer Satisfaction

Group 2951 1

Technological Advantage

Group 3520
Group 3519
Machine Translation Services

Got Questions about Machine Translation Services? We Have the Answers

  • How Accurate Is Machine Translation?

The accuracy of machine translation depends on many factors, such as the language pair, content complexity, and the MT software.

But generally speaking, machine translation is accurate and reliable with repetitive content that doesn’t require a high level of creativity or technicality. This includes product descriptions, user manuals, low-impact website pages, presentations, internal business communications, etc. 

However, MT lacks the cultural and contextual understanding needed to translate marketing and advertising content, for example, while maintaining its persuasive impact. This is why marketing copies are better left to the hands of professional translators.

How Does Machine Translation Work?

Machine translation engines are trained using large datasets of text and complicated algorithms. By training MT engines on data from various languages, they can automatically translate text and speech from one language to another. 

And while different MT models exist, Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is the most effective type of machine translation technology used today. 

NMT relies on artificial neural networks and machine learning techniques to understand and decode languages. It works by processing the input text at the sentence level to understand its meaning and then generate an equivalent sentence in the target language.

While earlier MT models focused on individual phrases, modern NMT can consider broader contexts, enabling it to produce more natural-sounding and accurate translation.

What Are the Limitations of Machine Translation?

So far, machine translation has proven to be highly beneficial for businesses in the retail, manufacturing, and software fields. However, when it comes to the medical and life sciences sectors, the use of MT is still limited and not entirely reliable.

What’s more, machine translation still struggles to adapt texts that involve very nuanced cultural references, humor, or slang. As a result, some machine-translated content may sound robotic or culturally irrelevant. This is why the unmatched human touch is indispensable to achieving a high level of cultural resonance in some contexts.

Join the Ranks of Industry Leaders and
Harness World-Class Machine Translation

Our Reputable Clients

Over the Course of the years, bayantech has become one of trusted, reliable, and innovative partner of choice. we have forged notable partnerships with some of the largest international companies and organizations as well as distinguished global operators.


Languages we translate into

We help you expand your business with our professional language translation services,
supporting the most challenging languages.

Ready to Get Started?

*to apply for freelance translator and vendor opportunities, please click here.

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