Top Trends in the Translation Industry 2019

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The past year of 2018 has witnessed major updates and evolution in a vital field like translation and 2019 is just following its footsteps.

With specialists and industry experts constantly working on making the process more efficient, faster, and at a lower cost, 2019 has bared various fruitful trends that will definitely be the milestone to revolutionize the industry in the upcoming years.

If you are wondering why the excitement, take a couple of minutes to get a closer look at the top trends in the translation industry in 2019.

Translation Trends 2019

  1. Video Translation 

YouTube and Facebook now make the top video platforms that most people use. Researchers say that approximately 300 videos are uploaded every minute and around 50 billion videos are viewed daily. HUGE, isn’t it?

Not so fast. Cisco Systems estimates that by 2021, videos will make up to 80% of the search traffic.

Well, with such a big window of opportunity to reach a broader base of an audience all over the world rises the interest of companies to promote their services through the use of videos. Video translation, relatively, helps your content to spread globally and follow up to meet the needs of your international clients.

  1. Subtitling, Voice over, and Dubbing

The interesting fact that 85% of videos on the internet are watched without sound paves the road to subtitling that allows people to watch the script of the video presented on the bottom of the screen.

As all evidence leads to the strong expected outbreak of videos, the demand of voice over and dubbing also comes to the surface.

Given the distinct options shown in the translation services domain presently, you get to choose what is best for the service/product you are providing as well as what best fits the preferences of your target customers.

Whether it is subtitling, voice-over, or dubbing, all roads lead to better engagement with your audience.

  1. Multilingual Translation

European languages such as – English, French, German, and Spanish- have dominated the world for so long. Most companies relied on them to communicate and promote businesses.

But with Asian countries such as China and India coming to the picture of the global industrial field so strong, translation into these languages, which might be called “minor languages”, has flourished in recent years. It’s quite common now that businesses are looking for trusted language providers to deliver translations in Asian and African languages, even the rarest of them.

  1. Transcreation and Localization

When launching a campaign in another country, marketers tend to put cultural sensitivity in mind. Not just to avoid stepping on the targeted audience’s toes but also to capture minds – eventually winning their hearts.

For this to happen, conducting a concise study of the target market makes the process of transcreation or localization as safe as it can be.

Both methods aim at introducing products from their home country to another country and culture in a way that seems familiar and appealing to the target culture.

Through transcreation and localization, your product is guaranteed to originate exceptional approbation from all different markets that you aspire to invest in.

  1. Machine Translation (MT)

The take-over of machine translation over human translation has been a heart-pounding topic, especially for translators for quite a while now.

2019 is experiencing a higher demand for MT due to the exceptional improvement of technology. Despite everything, this doesn’t deny the need for human translation; on the contrary, it made the service smoother and less time consuming for service providers.

Yet, relying solely on MT is a risky move especially that it is experiencing lots of challenges and limitations. Wherefore, many service providers offer post-editing machine translation service which is also expected to be in high demand during 2019.

6. Neural Machine Translation (NMT)

As surprising as always, MT is embracing a new mesmerizing addition to it. With artificial intelligence (AI) breaking through the translation field came neural machine translation.

According to Wikipedia; (NMT) is an approach to machine translation that uses a large artificial neural network to predict the likelihood of a sequence of words, typically modeling entire sentences in a single integrated model.

Already used by huge companies like Google, Microsoft, and Yandex since 2016, many more companies are following their steps but still a bit cautious since error-rate is yet to be worked on.

  1. E-learning

With the increased need for companies to conduct training for its employees, E-learning continues to be one of the fast-growing services this year and on.

Moreover, as the requirement for online courses rises, the need for translating and localizing these courses is equally required by companies globally.

Big companies –on average- translate training courses to up to seven languages – which is expected to double to be 14 by the ongoing year to add it to their portfolio.

To wrap up

The beauty of translation lies in its variety of methods. Sincere efforts are put up by specialists to save your time and money and also provide you with quality as well as vast options to utilize in your business. The constant development of services such as;

  • Video Translation.
  • Voice-over, Subtitling, and Dubbing.
  • Localization
  • Transcreation
  • Machine Translation (MT)
  • E-learning.

And many more are going to take the industry along with your business to futuristic dimensions regarding quality and efficiency.

Development is not over yet but don’t worry whatever you think of, we provide it for you. With a global network of the most qualified translation experts, bayantech turns your projects into stories of success. Make your company tell the greatest story. Contact us!

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