Machine Translation Post Editing (MTPE) Services

Combine the power of technology and human expertise with our professional Machine Translation Post Editing (MTPE) Services in more than 185 languages.

MTPE Services – When Technology and Human Expertise Cross

Machine translation has become an essential tool in the translation and localization industry, and its demand continues to grow. The reasons for this are clear: machine translation offers speed, cost-effectiveness, and the ability to handle large volumes of content. However, the output often falls short of expectations, as it lacks the professional human touch that ensures accuracy, cultural sensitivity, and linguistic nuance.

At bayantech, we understand the importance of bridging this gap. That’s why we offer Machine Translation Post Editing (MTPE) services, where human expertise enhances the power of machine translation. Our approach combines the best of both worlds, allowing you to benefit from the efficiency of machine translation while ensuring the quality and effectiveness of your global content.

Machine Translation Post Editing Services – When Technology and Human Efficiency Cross
Tapping into Machine Translation Post Editing

Your Ideal Choice for Machine Translated Content That Reaches, Engages, Converts

Machine Translation Post Editing is the process of editing and improving machine translated text by human translators and editors. The goal is to meet the high quality standards expected by our clients as well as their budget and timeline. This hybrid approach mixes the strengths of both machine translation (speed and cost saving) and the unmatched human touch to deliver superior results.

Today, many enterprises rely on machine translation to handle their translation needs. However, in most cases, the outcome sounds robotic and awkward. While machine translation can translate words, it fails to interpret meaning, which compromises your communication and brand voice.

At bayantech, we offer budget-friendly machine translation quality evaluation services, particularly for complex and sensitive content such as legal and pharmaceutical materials, or creative content intended for international markets, such as marketing materials. Our MTPE services ensure that your content is not only accurate but also reads naturally in your target language, conveying the intended meaning, nuance, and tone of voice.

If you seek accurate, natural-sounding, and relevant content, use our MTPE services!

bayantech Machine Translation Post Editing Services

bayantech offers expert MTPE services bringing the much-needed human touch to your machine translations and making essential quality improvements so that it looks and feels more human, more polished, and more resonant for your audiences around the world. Our MTPE services involve precise and thorough editing and localization practices.

As one of the pioneering translation companies to provide professional MTPE services to global and regional businesses, bayantech is committed to staying at the forefront of industry technologies. Our team has the experience, tools, and expertise to customize our MTPE services to the unique requirements of your projects, guaranteeing the best possible outcome for your specific needs.

bayantech Machine Translation Post Editing Services

MTPE Services for a High Impact, Low Cost Solution

With bayantech’s machine translation post-editing service, you can trust that your machine translations will be transformed into a polished and culturally relevant message that captivates your target locale. Our skilled linguists meticulously refine the output, ensuring linguistic accuracy, clarity, coherence, and fluency. We maintain consistency in terminology, style, and tone throughout your content while enhancing its readability and effectiveness.

What’s more, we adapt your content to the cultural nuances and context of your target market, ensuring that your message resonates and aligns with your brand voice and the preferences of your foreign speaking audiences. Now, with bayantech, you can transform your awkward-sounding content into natural-sounding, impactful communication – without the high cost.

The power of human touch is the perfect complement to your machine-translated content.

The Power of Human touch is the perfect Complement to your
Machine-Translated Content

bayantech Teams and Tools Driving Excellence

bayantech Teams and Tools: Driving Excellence

bayantech has developed a world-class team of professional translators and editors who are fully trained in the specific skills required to perform a meticulous MTPE process. Our team consists of native-speaking subject-matter experts with a sharp sense of cultural understanding and fluency. 

With the right translation tools in place, our post-editors draw on their experience to handle complex MTPE projects efficiently, delivering high-quality results within tight deadlines. To maximize the efficiency and consistency of our post-editing process, we also integrate advanced translation tools such as translation memory systems, CAT tools, and glossaries.

Our MT Post Editing Process

Our language professionals follow a structured workflow, ensuring that every project receives the attention to detail it deserves. First, we carefully read and examine the source content to gain a deep understanding of the message and context. Then, our team compares the machine translation output to the source text, identifying areas that require improvement.

After examining the raw MT output quality, we determine the most suitable approach: light post-editing (LPE) or full post-editing (FPE).

  • LPE involves making minimal changes to improve readability and comprehensibility without extensive stylistic improvements.
  • FPE requires more comprehensive changes to enhance fluency, style, formatting, consistency, and relevance, ensuring the content matches the quality of human translation.

Finally, we conduct rigorous Quality Assurance (QA) checks to guarantee that the final product is free of any spelling mistakes, formatting errors, or culturally insensitive content.

What Makes bayantech Different?

Group 2949 1

Professional Services

Group 2073

+15 Years of Experience

Group 2068

Flexible Turnarounds Timely Delivery

certified quality assurance

Certified Quality Assurance

Group 2076


Group 2069

100% Quality Guarantee

Group 2070


Group 2071


Group 27382

Customer Satisfaction

Group 2951 1

Technological Advantage

Group 3520
Group 3519

Professional Translation Services for All Industries

bayantech offers innovative translation and localization services across a range of industries.

Languages we translate into

We help you expand your business with our professional language translation service,
supporting the most challenging languages.

Languages we translate into

We help you expand your business with our professional language translation service,
supporting the most challenging languages.

Our Achievements Languages

Group 1056
1 M
An icon that represents the languages we translate into
Group 1059
An icon that represents the languages we translate into

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