Why Spanish Website Translation Services Should Be in your 2021 Marketing Strategy

Why Spanish Website Translation Services Should be in Your 2021 Marketing Strategy

¿Hablas español? More importantly: Does your business speak Spanish? If not, you’re missing out on an excellent opportunity to reach over 300 million people, the approximate number of internet users that speak Spanish.

In light of last year’s lockdown measures, business dynamics have changed forever. If a massive adoption of digital channels was already forthcoming, after 2020, it’s an undeniable reality. And those brands that had already built an online presence managed to enormously benefit from this transformation towards virtuality. 

Cyberspace is essentially a multicultural and multilingual place. And engaging with this diverse crowd, locally and internationally, hosts huge growth opportunities for your business. Of course, the best strategy to reach new customers is to speak their language and to do so, you’ll need website localization services.

But first, why do we mention Spanish? Ideally, you would translate your website into as many languages ​​as possible – right? But of course, you have to start somewhere, and what better way than to do it than with the second most widely spoken language in the world.

Spanish Language Used in the Web March 31 2020

The 3 Main Reasons to Translate your Website into Spanish

2020 was an atypical year indeed. Nonetheless, it illuminated eCommerce’s huge growth potential in Spanish-speaking markets. With a total of 1.4 billion pages visited every day, Latin American audiences could signify unprecedented engagement rates for brands with a strong online presence. 

Not to mention that by 2019, 61% of Spanish online consumers have already done cross-border shopping, suggesting that the market is already prepared for the introduction of overseas businesses and new eCommerce platforms.

But if you still have doubts about why translating your site into Spanish is an excellent opportunity, or if you never thought about an eCommerce strategy, next we unfold 3 main reasons why you should consider Spanish Website Translation Services:

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1. Spanish is the Second Most Spoken Language Worldwide

Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the world, after Chinese. As for native speakers, Spanish has around 471 million speakers worldwide, spread across 5 continents. Spanish website translation services could make it possible for your business to reach Spanish audiences all across the globe, through a single language. That’s how powerful professional Spanish website translation services can be.

But you don’t have to worry about the complexities of international business to seize new opportunities in Spanish-speaking markets.

An interesting fact if you want to target Spanish-speaking communities at home is that, only in the United States, there is a population of +30 million people with Spanish as their first language. That’s over 10% of the US population

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To engage with this broad audience you should consider conducting an English to Spanish translation on your website. Nevertheless, you shouldn’t carry out such a project by yourself: the wisest strategy is to work side-by-side with professional translators with expertise in the field of Spanish Website Translation Services.

The numbers speak for themselves. Not having your site in Spanish is driving millions and millions of potential customers away from your brand. But if you speak their language, you can achieve a deeper engagement with Spanish-speaking users, as they will fully understand what you are offering, how to get it, and why they should get it.

Spanish Is The Second Most Spoken Language Worldwide

2. Latin American Markets Are Among the Fastest-Growing Markets in 2020

After the outbreak of COVID-19, Latin America positioned itself as one of the fastest-growing eCommerce adopters in the world. Its adoption of e-commerce before 2020 was comparatively lower than that of the rest of the regions, mainly due to the general lack of trust in electronic payment methods and a deep logistical disconnect. 

But necessity is the mother of cleverness. After lockdown policies were implemented across the region, 13 million people made a bank transaction for the first time. For its part, e-retail commerce grew 37% (representing the sum of +85 billion US dollars). 

Looking at national economies, we can see that Argentina increased its online sales by 79%. The lockdown measures greatly accelerated trust in digital platforms and development in logistics and transportation industries, achieving a mass adoption that will grow further in the coming years.

The Essential Guide to Website Localization

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3. Spain is a Pioneer in Mass-adopting eCommerce Dynamics

According to JP Morgan, Spain’s e-commerce market has been propelled in recent years by a constant adoption of mobile commerce. Currently, the Spain e-Commerce market value is at € 30.3 billion, while the mobile commerce market size is at € 11.5 billion.

Last year alone, the Spanish e-commerce market grew by 19.9%, with forecasters expecting a new increase of approximately 13.5%  for 2021. This growth will be driven by even more massive adoption of mobile commerce and the rapid expansion of certain domestic key players, such as Inditex.

The fast delivery dynamic that Spain adopted in its metropolises, after the COVID-19 outbreak, was another strong point in the exponential adoption of eCommerce. This also prompted logistic companies to rise to the occasion, creating more effective, faster, and convenient trade networks.

Spain at a Glance

Choose the Right Translation Agency: Spanish Website Translation Services Best Practices

Whether you stumble across this post looking for website localization and translation services or you’re a translator-in-training interested in learning more about eCommerce website localization and translation, this section will hold great value for you.

When it comes to Spanish website translation, better leave it to professional Spanish translators. A reliable language service provider (LSP) will have the infrastructure and expertise necessary to carry out a large-scale Spanish language translation project at a high-quality level.

Here are some key best practices you’ll need to succeed in your Spanish Website Translation Project. If you’re interested in further discovering the website translation and localization process, visit our Website Localization Best Practices guide.

Think about your Spanish Website Translation Project Holistically

Spanish website translation services tend to vary widely in cost. The final project fees will depend on a lot of factors. For instance, the translation team will have to translate documents (such as warranties, policies, and patents) and different file formats internal to the operation of the site. But, in this context, the opportunities far outweigh the costs. Especially, if you embrace your site’s potential as a business asset.

Don’t hold your brand back when it comes to claiming online territory. The Spanish version of your website will have more traffic if it is properly optimized for local search engines. And, every step of your user journey should be adapted to your new culture. 

Here are some tips:

  1. Don’t use a local domain: search engines tend to prioritize sites with a higher domain extension level than local ones, for example, .ar or .es would appear after .com.

  2. Choose your keywords carefully: Conduct rigorous research to choose your keywords in the Spanish language. The more thorough your market research is, the more competitive your website copy will be and the more clients you will engage.

  3. Customers increasingly demand personalized shopping experiences. If your customers have any problems or questions about their purchase, they should contact customer service. Be it a bot or a real person, this service must be provided in the target language.
Localized Chat Bot

Make Your Website Copy Flawless with Transcreation

Your brand’s unique message shouldn’t get lost in translation. But perhaps the translated version may lose its impact. To solve this, a method known as Transcreation can be implemented. In transcreation, a team of human translators recreates your copy (regardless of whether it is a slogan, an article, or the entire copy of your website) in another language, in a localized style. This creates the feeling that your copy was originally written in the target language without losing its original concept.

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A professional Spanish translation agency specialized in website localization services will know how to carry out a transcreation process, so that your site resonates in the minds of your new target customers.

Create And Optimize A Mobile Version

Create and Optimize a Mobile Version

If, for example, your intention is targeting the Spanish market, you shouldn’t forget about Spain’s rapid and massive adoption of mobile commerce. Therefore, creating and optimizing a mobile version of your site becomes a necessity. In the making of a mobile version for your website, you should focus on achieving the best possible UX, highlighting usability and simplicity.

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Go One Step Further, Don’t Just Translate but Localize

As has been implied throughout this post, sometimes mere translation just won’t do. On many occasions, it will be necessary to localize. 

Website Localization goes one step further. It’s the process of adapting your website, not only linguistically, but also culturally, so it matches the linguistic, cultural, legal, and technological standards of your target market. 

In this sense, the agency you choose shouldn’t only rely on native Spanish-speaking translators but also a professional marketing team. That team should ensure that your website’s content is fully optimized to meet the demands and expectations of your new customers. In addition, they must have a high degree of proficiency in the latest market trends in each country that you want to introduce your business to. A knowledgeable marketing team will diagram the best strategy for each version of your site.

Working organically alongside a trusted translation agency, you’ll get the highest quality results at the most cost-efficient rates. 

At bayantech we have the winning combination of technology, processes, and people. 

We work with: 

  • The latest translation industry tools
  • A team of certified translators who are professionals in marketing and native speakers of the Spanish language. 
  • The necessary experience to build a team that meets your expectations and your budget.

Our cross-disciplinary website localization knowledge makes us a key strategic ally. From deciding which type of website localization stack is best for you – for example, whether you need a website translation proxy or a CMS plugin will depend on a lot of factors – to conducting a culture-specific website redesign. We’ll be there to support you every step of the project.

Don’t Face Spanish Website Translation Challenges on your Own

For the last two decades, we, at bayantech, have carried out successful Spanish website translation projects at the most competitive prices, with the highest quality standards.

We’ve been the workforce behind large-scale website localization projects in the MENA region and beyond, always overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers and helping our clients offer memorable eCommerce experiences worldwide.

Contact us today and get the Spanish Website Translation Services that your website translation project deserves.

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